Why Did I Start This Blog

I grew up in a farm community in the South Plains of Texas in the 1960’s and 1970’s.  That life experience will forever effect me even though I am not the same person I was when I left there after graduating from Texas Tech University in 1978.  This blog is a way for me to share my thoughts about being a follower of Jesus and life in general.

Quite a number of years ago I read the book “Windows of the Soul” by Ken Gire and it effected me deeply.  It speaks about how God uses the arts, our vocation, poetry, etc. as windows to our soul  to reveal his character.  One of the stories is about Vincent Van Gogh and why he painted the images that made him famous.  I learned from the book that painting is a way to express the inner feeling and thoughts of the artist.  This means they have to be vulnerable and they run the risk of their images being misunderstood.  When they are misunderstood it can be very hurtful to the artist.  Vincent was quite misunderstood and eventually committed suicide because of the inner struggles he had and tried to express through his paintings.  I cannot paint and can barely draw a recognizable stick figure.  However, the book helped me understand that God has given me a gift using words to express myself in the same way as Vincent Van Gogh used his gift of painting.  Therefore, I ask that you be gentle in any comments you may post about what I write.  If is blesses you then be thankful and if it does not then think about how to express your thoughts to encourage me.



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