Will I Be Conformed or Transformed?

July 6, 2019

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:2

When I was growing up a friend of mine had a Mattel Vacuform toy making device. There were several molds that were used with the device to conform a colored plastic sheet to the shape of the mold. The conforming took place by heating the plastic and then pulling a vacuum on the heating chamber that would force the plastic sheet into the shape of the mold. Once the plastic cooled it was permanently in the shape of the mold which might be a car, animal, soldier, etc. But it was still a piece of plastic only in a different shape and its value had not changed much except it was more fun to play with than a colored sheet of plastic.

The spiritual forces that stand against the knowledge of who God is and who we are in him work in a similar way. They use the trials of everyday life to heat us up and then try to suck us into the mold of unbelief concerning the goodness of God our Father. An example would be “If God is good then why are you in the middle of a bad situation?”

The scripture above indicates that were are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The Greek word translated to the English word transformed comes from the word metamorphosis which we use to describe the change of a caterpillar into a butterfly. A caterpillar does not become a butterfly by conforming to the shape of a butterfly. Rather it becomes a whole new creature forever. It no longer eats caterpillar food or does what a caterpillar would do. It’s very nature has been changed and it can never be what it once was even if it becomes confused and tries to be a caterpillar again.

It is the same with us. Through faith in Jesus we are born again into being true sons and daughters of God our Father. But our minds are slow to believe that we have been changed. Our minds must constantly be renewed with the truth of Jesus that we may see life experiences through the mind of Jesus and who we really are. We are in Jesus and he is in us and he is in the Father. We are no longer orphans and we are not alone as we face the difficulties of life.

Jesus came to reveal the true nature of God our Father who at the core of his being is love and goodness in every circumstance, especially the difficult ones.

May I be transformed by believing what Jesus speaks and not be conformed to the lies of Satan who comes to steal, kill and destroy.