In The Bosom of The Father

June 15, 2019

“No one has ever seen God, but God the only Son, who is at the Father’s side has made him known. “ John 1:18 (NIV 1978 version)

I cut my spiritual eye teeth on the 1978 NIV Bible but over time have have come to see that I need to read multiple translations to get to the core of the nature of God as portrayed in the scriptures. The verse above is an example. The phrase “at the Father’s side” conveys a sense of being with God the Father but does not convey the intimacy that Jesus always has and always will have with his Father. The KJV more accurately translates this phrase as “is in the bosom of the Father”.

What is the bosom of the Father? The word bosom refers the upper part of the body where a loose fitting garment creates a pocket where a person could carry valuable items. It is a picture of a child being held in an embrace of love. In that embrace is safety and assurance of the Father’s love.

This is conveyed in the parable that Jesus spoke about the lost son (see Luke 15:11-31) which he told in response to the religious leaders criticizing him for associating with sinners. In that story the Father embraces his prodigal son with compassion when he returns in all his brokenness from previously turning away from his Father to go do his own thing. Don’t miss the point of Jesus’ parable. He came from the bosom of the Father in order that he might bring us all into the bosom of the Father! This is what my soul needs and longs for. It is already a reality but I must believe it in my heart and abide in the bosom of our Father where I am loved, accepted and desired no matter what I do. This is good news!

