
Why This Blog is Named Farm Boy in the City (farmboyincity.com)

My name is Kevin Verett. I grew up in Ralls, Texas but have lived in the Waco, Texas area ever since I graduated from college in 1978.

There were only two things I ever desired to do when I was growing up. I loved growing up in a farm family and working on the farm but did not see myself becoming a farmer. I was fascinated with farm equipment and how to improve that equipment. One of my desires was to somehow be involved in developing new farm machinery. I was also fascinated with all things electrical. Therefore, I choose to pursue an education in electrical engineering. I spent two summers working for an electric power company in central Texas while I was in college. By the time I graduated, I settled on a career with the same power company and worked for them for 41 years.

As my dear mother told me, “you can take the boy off of the farm but you cannot take the farm out of the boy”.

The Purpose of This Blog

This blog is the occasional musings of a West Texas farm boy living in the city while pondering and declaring that God my Father is good and that his love endures forever in all circumstances at all times.

As Jesus stated, “On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you” (John 14:20 NIV). This being true then I am lacking nothing, since he is lacking in nothing and lives in me.

I invite you to join me in the adventure of believing what Jesus says and experiencing his abundant life in every situation in daily life.

Kevin’s Musings